onsdag 23. november 2011

Program for knitters

Savannah is writing:

A handy tool for designers who need to make graphs with both common and not-so-common knitting operations. Great for graphing lace patterns, and also cables. When the graph is complete, a key is automatically made of any knitting operations included in the graph. There is also space to type in any needed knitting instructions (such as shaping). Files can be printed, or saved as a picture file (graph only) to be used in another application. Help files are included to aid in use of the program. Download the file below for Knit Design Studio. This is a free program but to make more programs like this possible, a donation would be much appreciated.

The program is free to download.

You have to go here.


Det er flere muligheter med dette programmet i allefall!

Ha en fin torsdag!

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